At The Kirby Laing Centre (KLC), Public Theology means the joyful and rigorous attempt to explore and provide answers to the question how then shall we live? Following Lesslie Newbigin we believe that “Christ is the clue to all that is.” This means pursuing Christ-the-clue in all of life.
As an academic research centre concerned with public theology we seek to do rigorous scholarship across the disciplines addressing the great issues of our day from a Christian view point. We also seek to foster and nurture Christian scholarship that is rooted in spirituality and practised in community, all with Christ-the-clue at its heart.
The Kirby Laing Centre for Public Theology in Cambridge
Office 1, Unit 6, The New Mill House
Chesterton Mill, French’s Road
Cambridge, England CB4 3NP
+44 (0) 1223 655155