The Herman Bavinck Centennial Congress at Theological University Kampen focused on the theme of the meaning of difference. The loss of the certainties and religious foundation of the ancient regime resulted in the search for a new unifying principle for humankind, based on the outcomes of modern scientific methodology and a naturalistic, culturized and historicized view of men, society and world. Without its formerly unifying religious centre, this led to an increasing awareness of difference and a state of diversity and plurality in all domains of society and culture. People experienced their lives fragmented along lines of ideology and religion, nation-states and politics, ethnicity, gender, and social and cultural status, while technological innovations changed their experiences of time and distance, widening up horizons of expectation. In his writings about Christianity and Modernity, from such diverse angles as theology, philosophy, psychology, pedagogy, politics, arts and sciences, Bavinck shows a deep interest in the thinking of his contemporaries and the rapidly changing world of his own time by a carefully balanced combination of a firmly rooted Calvinist conviction and a serious, informed and open conversation with his counterparts.
You can read the programme of the Congress and watch all sessions here.
In the Herman Bavinck Lecture series scholars are invited who share Bavinck’s love for the Reformed tradition, are aware of the appeal of his vision of grace as a transforming force in both personal life and in society and culture, and in their scholarly endeavour reflect his deep and Catholic vision of the Christian faith. They are asked to address in their lecture key questions regarding the contribution which Reformed theology can make to church and society in a postmodern world.
Till now the Bavinck lectures have been given by dr Richard Mouw, dr Jamie K.A. Smith, dr Hans Boersma and dr George Harinck.
You can watch all lectures here.
When Kuyper went to America to deliver his Stone Lectures at Princeton in 1898, he took the time to travel around the US. His letters regarding this visit were published by Dordt College Press as Kuyper in America they were edited for publication by George Harinck.
Now George has followed in Kuyper’s footsteps in the Dutch TV documentary “Varia Americana – In the Footsteps of Abraham Kuyper in America”. The four-episode series is now available with subtitles. They provide a fascinating insight into both Kuyper and the contemporary US.
You can watch all series here.
Professor George Harinck’s eight-part documentary on Abraham Kuyper’s journey into the Mediterranean Islamic world is now available with English subtitles. In this intriguing series, produced by Martin Maat and Hans Hermans, Professor Harinck follows Kuyper’s footsteps through 16 countries around the Mediterranean Sea, examining the roots of present-day religious and socio-political conflict in light of Kuyper’s observations a century ago.
You can watch all series (with or without English subtitles) here.